Application Form

Your application to join RECC

By becoming a member of Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC), you are agreeing to comply with the Code.

You are also agreeing to the Bye-Laws, which act as the contract between you and RECC, when you become a member.

This Application Form must be completed by a director, partner or owner of the Applicant business as it includes a number of important legal declarations. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Halfway through the form, you will be required to pay a non-refundable Application Fee of £100 (excl. VAT). You will not be asked to pay your annual Membership Fee until we have processed your application.

As part of your application, you will also be required to provide us with copies of the following documentation, please have these ready:

  • if you are a sole trader or in a partnership, photographic ID for all owners/ partners e.g. passport or driving licence will need to be emailed across to
  • Public Liability insurance policy in full
  • any promotional material, including any hard-copy materials, sales material, and e-marketing, that is used to market and sell to consumers, if applicable
  • your own contract, cancellation form, quotation, performance estimates, workmanship warranty and dispute resolution procedure, if applicable
  • your agreement with the third party, if using a third party QMS’s documents, like Easy MCS or Paperclip for example, if applicable.

Please note that the easiest way to ensure fully compliant documentation is to adopt RECC’s model documents, which you can commit to in the application process.

Completion of the Application Form, and payment of the Application Fee, does not constitute acceptance of your business into membership of the RECC. Your business, its employees and anyone acting on your behalf are not entitled to display the RECC logo or claim membership until you have received written confirmation from us that you have been accepted as a member of RECC.

Joint RECC & EVCC application offer

RECC has a sister Code which we think you may be interested in joining at the same time as RECC if you install EV home chargepoints.

Electric Consumer Code for Home Chargepoints (EVCC) is for contractors who sell and/ or install electric vehicle chargepoints in consumers’ homes. The Code has been designed to dovetail with the Institute of Engineering and Technology’s Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation, and  the Building Regulations including the Wiring Regulations.

If you decide to apply for EVCC at the same time as RECC, tick the box to add EVCC membership at 3.2. You will not need to pay two Application Fees. Instead you can pay a one-off Joint Application Fee of £100 (excl. VAT) – a saving of £50.

RECC and EVCC are separate Codes, with a different, though similar, set of standards. Details of EVCC and the Membership Fee can be found here.

When we review your RECC application, we will need to ask you some extra questions about your EV charging contracts.

You will not be asked to pay your annual Membership Fee for either RECC or EVCC until we have processed your applications.

1.1 Member's area login details

1.2 Your business details

2.1 Primary Contact Details

Please enter details of the individual who will be your company's main correspondence contact with RECC.

2.2 Billing Contact Details

If different from above, please enter details of the individual who will be your company's main billing contact.

3.1 Business activity

Please select below to tell us about your business activities and regional coverage.
* System(s) you deal in - Please select below all the technologies for which you intend to seek technical certification from a Certification Scheme for
* Region(s) you are active in
Please select the membership category that best suits your business. The total number of employees means the total number of employees involved in renewable energy activities, including sales representatives and administrative staff, even if they are self-employed.
Please tick all options that apply:
* Work type
If you contract with domestic consumers do you get them to sign a contract or order form in their home in the presence of your company representative?

3.2 Linked Schemes

EV Home Chargepoints
If you install chargepoints in homes and would like to add EVCC membership to this application as well, then please tick here.


RECC and EVCC are separate Codes, with a different, though similar, set of standards. Details of EVCC can be found here.

3.3 TrustMark

TrustMark is a Government Endorsed Quality scheme. Its core services are in the repair, maintenance, and improvement sectors of the building services trades, helping build consumer confidence and increase opportunities for reputable businesses. RECC is a TrustMark Scheme Operator meaning your business can become TrustMark registered through RECC.


4.1 Declarations

It is essential that you make the following declarations truthfully, and that you inform us if any relevant circumstance should change. As a reminder, this Application Form must be completed and signed off by a director, partner or owner of the Applicant business.

*In these declarations, "individuals closely associated" with the Applicant business include its directors, partners, shareholders, senior staff (regardless of job title), any other individuals closely associated with it and close family members. Where the Applicant business is a sole trader, this includes the Applicant itself.

In the past 5 years, has the Applicant business, any individual(s) closely associated with it*, or any business with which those individuals have been involved:
* ... been the subject of the appointment of a receiver, liquidator or administrator?
* ... been the subject of an arrangement with creditors, or of a resolution for winding up?
* ... become insolvent (including bankruptcy)
* ... been dissolved?
* ... had a complaint upheld against it, in part or in full, by the Advertising Standards Authority?
* ... previously been a member of a Consumer Code, including RECC and EVCC, and had its membership terminated?
* ... previously been a member of a Consumer Code, including RECC, and had its membership terminated?
* ... previously applied for and been refused Consumer Code Membership?
* ... engaged in any activity which has adversely affected consumers and/or would risk damaging the reputation of RECC or EVCC?
* Are there any Court judgment(s) against the Applicant business, any individual(s) closely associated with it* or any business with which those individuals have been involved?
Have any individual(s) closely associated with the Applicant business*:
* ... previously been disqualified from acting as a company director?
* ... been required to give undertakings under the Enterprise Act 2002 with reference to the Applicant or another business, whether or not in a related sector?
* Does the Applicant business currently, or in the future, intend to appoint any person as director, partner or senior staff member which would have resulted in you answering Yes to any of the above declarations in section 4.1?
* In the past 5 years, has the Applicant or any individual(s) closely associated with it, been a Connected Contractor to a current and/or former RECC or EVCC Member?
"Connected Contractor" -an incorporated or unincorporated business which has a director (including a de facto or shadow director), partner, shareholder, senior manager, member or owner who has previously been or is currently a director (including a de facto or shadow director), partner, shareholder, senior manager, member or owner of a current or former.
* Have any consumers been adversely affected by the Applicant, any individual(s) closely associated with it*, or by any business with which they have been involved?

4.2 Confirm Declarations

By signing this form, you confirm that:

  • the information provided in this form is true and accurate;
  • you have read and understood RECC and its Bye-Laws and agree to comply with them;
  • if applicable, you have read and understood the Electric Vehicle Consumer Code for Home Chargepoints and its Terms of Membership and agree to comply with them; and
  • you will inform us immediately should any change in circumstances mean that any of the declarations made are no longer valid, including if you appoint any individual as a director, partner or senior staff member which would have resulted in you answering Yes to any of those declarations.
* Confirm

5. Payment

At this stage, all applicants are required to pay a non-refundable Application Fee of £100 (excl. VAT). The Application Fee covers the cost of us carrying out the necessary due diligence checks on your application.

You will not be asked to pay your annual RECC, and EVCC (if applicable), Membership Fees until we have processed your application. Your RECC Membership Fee will depend on the membership category you selected above and the Membership Team will check you are in the correct membership category before issuing you with an invoice.

After making payment you must complete Part 2 of the Application Form as well which is just about RECC. Once this is completed, you can successfully submit your application to RECC, and EVCC if you are applying to both. We will not receive your application until Part 2 has been completed in full.