Membership Fees

RECC membership fees for 2023:

Joining Fee / Administration Fee

Membership category     Fees
1 - 6 employees:     £285
7 - 25 employees:     £570
26 - 50 employees:     £855
51 - 100 employees:     £1,100
101 - 200 employees:     £1,650
Over 200 employees:     £2,200
Sole trader:     £215
Commercial only:     £260


Please contact RECC for fee information if you are seeking RECC membership as an Assignment of Rights (AoR) Investor.

All fees are shown exclusive of VAT.

Your RECC membership will run for 1 calendar year from the date that we accept you as a member and you will be required to renew your membership and pay your membership fee each year. All applicants are required to pay a non-refundable Application Fee.

Membership Fees correspond to either the total number of employees involved in the renewable energy activities of your business, or to your business model. For the purpose of RECC membership, employees involved in renewable activities include backroom/ administrative staff and sales representatives, even if they are not directly employed by the business. The Membership Team will check you are in the correct membership category before your membership is processed.

If you are already a RECC member and you are looking to become an AOR investor, you will not be asked to pay a second membership fee when making an application, though it may change which category of membership you fit into. You will be asked to pay a non-refundable Administration Fee which covers our assessment of your AoR contract prior to approval. Click here for more information on becoming an AoR investor.

EVCC Membership Offer

If you sell and/ or install EV home chargepoints, we encourage you to join the Electric Vehicle Consumer Code for Home Chargepoints (EVCC). By becoming an EVCC member you can ensure your business stands out from the crowd. EVCC sets the standards consumers can expect when purchasing an EV home chargepoint.

We are currently offering an introductory offer for applicants of both RECC and EVCC. Rather than paying 2 Application Fees, if you apply to both RECC and EVCC within a month of each other, you can pay a one-off Joint Application Fee, saving you £30.

Joint Application Fee

Click here for more information about EVCC and how to join.