News from RECC

The latest news from RECC

Judicial Review and Appeal Update

Posted: 4 January, 2012. Written by Ciaran

It is a very difficult time for companies in the Solar PV industry and we are trying to keep our members updated on the current situation. The guidance below was provided by DECC which should help potential customer to know where they stand.

"Customers and potential customers need to be aware of the continuing uncertainty over the rates that will apply after 1 April to installations completed between 12 December and 1 April (NB they will receive 43p in any case until 1 April):

  • If the Government wins on appeal, we are where we were before legal action began, ie the Government will consider all responses to its consultation proposals, including the proposal that a domestic system (up to 4 kWh) can expect to earn 21p from 1st April 2012.
  • If the Government does not win on appeal, then the 43p tariff remains in place for all registered installations until the Parliamentary process has concluded (expected to be 1st April 2012, possibly earlier).

It is not yet clear if the Government will be granted leave to appeal, and if so what date the appeal would be heard."

The Government are planning to submitt their case for appeal to the Court of Appeal by 4 pm today.